
runny nose Learn more about runny nose

  • What is pig runny nose? how to treat

    What is pig runny nose? how to treat

    Swine runny nose may be caused by swine rhinitis or swine flu. Pig rhinitis: often occurs in 2-5 months old pigs, symptoms are clear nose, snoring, breathing difficulties, sick pigs temperature will not rise, mental state is good, available kanamycin sulfate or streptomycin sulfate

    2020-11-08 pig runny nose yes what's going on how treatment abstract
  • Prevention and treatment of Bovine Influenza with cough between Fever and runny nose

    Prevention and treatment of Bovine Influenza with cough between Fever and runny nose

    Prevention and treatment of Bovine Influenza with cough between Fever and runny nose

  • The pig nose is crooked, how to do?

    The pig nose is crooked, how to do?

    The pig nose is crooked, how to do?

  • Sulfonamides for the treatment of chicken nose transmission

    Sulfonamides for the treatment of chicken nose transmission

    The pathogen of infectious rhinitis in chicken is Haemophilus parasuis, which is an acute upper respiratory disease with high contact transmission. The disease is easy to be prevalent in wet season, mixed infection is the most common, and the incidence of adult chicken is high. Symptoms: runny nose, scab after drying, blocking nostrils. The face is swollen, one side of the face is mostly swollen, shake the head, close the eyes in a daze, like to lie down, feed intake decline, egg production decline, pull green thin feces. Individual chickens have respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing. Treatment: sulfonamides have special effects, but they will

  • What are the signs before the attack of asthma in children

    What are the signs before the attack of asthma in children

    Asthma, mostly in infants, young children and other childhood infection, and has a certain relationship with the family and heredity. Asthma is a manifestation that seriously affects breathing, such as wheezing, which attracts people's attention, while general cough, people.

  • Careful use of sulfonamides in the treatment of chicken nose

    Careful use of sulfonamides in the treatment of chicken nose

    The pathogen of infectious rhinitis in chicken is Haemophilus parasuis, which is an acute upper respiratory disease with high contact transmission. The disease is easy to be prevalent in wet season, mixed infection is the most common, and the incidence of adult chicken is high. Symptoms: runny nose, scab after drying, blocking nostrils. The face is swollen, one side of the face is mostly swollen, shake the head, close the eyes in a daze, like to lie down, feed intake decline, egg production decline, pull green thin feces. Individual chickens have respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing. Treatment: sulfonamides have special effects, but they can inhibit egg laying.

  • A dog's cold

    A dog's cold

    [etiology] the main reason is that it is affected by cold, especially when the feeding management is not appropriate, it is more likely to occur. For example, sleeping on a cold night, lying in a cool place for a long time, attacking by thieves, being stimulated by cold water after sweating or wading across the river, and long-term feeding in a cold and humid environment can reduce the mucosal resistance of the upper respiratory tract and promote the occurrence of the disease. [diagnostic points] the sick dog was depressed in spirit, indifferent in expression, irregular in skin temperature, cold at the tip of the ear and nose. Conjunctival flushing or mild swelling, tears, elevated body temperature

  • Symptoms, prevention and treatment of cold in rabbits

    Symptoms, prevention and treatment of cold in rabbits

    The cause of the disease is that the climate suddenly becomes cold, or the rabbit house is cold and damp, which can easily cause rabbit colds. The clinical symptoms of rabbits with mild cough, sneezing, runny nose or thick nose, dyspnea, lethargy, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature, if improper nursing, easy to secondary pneumonia or hemorrhagic septicemia. Preventive measures to keep the room clean and hygienic, pay attention to closing doors and windows to keep warm when the temperature changes, and in case of strong wind and cooling weather, make a fire in the feeding room in time to maintain the temperature balance and prevent the sudden rise and fall.

  • The efficacy and function of Xinyi Flower

    The efficacy and function of Xinyi Flower

    The efficacy and function of Xinyi Flower

  • Cold and treatment of dogs

    Cold and treatment of dogs

    [etiology] the main reason is that it is affected by cold, especially when the feeding management is not appropriate, it is more likely to occur. For example, sleeping on a cold night, lying in a cool place for a long time, attacking by thieves, being stimulated by cold water after sweating or tears wading across the river, and long-term feeding in a cold and humid environment can reduce the mucosal resistance of the upper respiratory tract and promote the occurrence of the disease. [diagnostic points] the sick dog was depressed in spirit, indifferent in expression, irregular in skin temperature, cold at the tip of the ear and nose. Conjunctival flushing or mild swelling, tears, elevated body temperature

  • The progressive development of rhinitis cannot be ignored

    The progressive development of rhinitis cannot be ignored

    Nasal congestion, runny nose, decreased sense of smell and other symptoms may be present in rhinitis. Although the symptoms are similar or the same, there are several kinds of rhinitis, and rhinitis is not treated in time or not completely treated, but also easy to develop into other types of rhinitis,...

  • Prevention and treatment of Rabbit colds

    Prevention and treatment of Rabbit colds

    The cause of the disease is that the climate suddenly becomes cold, or the rabbit house is cold and damp, which can easily cause rabbit colds. The clinical symptoms of rabbits with mild cough, sneezing, runny nose or thick nose, dyspnea, lethargy, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature, if improper nursing, easy to secondary pneumonia or hemorrhagic septicemia. Preventive measures to keep the room clean and hygienic, close doors and windows to keep warm when the temperature changes, and in case of strong wind and cooling weather, light a fire in the feeding room in time to maintain temperature balance and prevent sudden rise and fall.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of muskrat

    Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of muskrat

    1, cold [diagnosis] depressed spirit, unwilling to move, appetite loss and even waste, often lying in the corner of the house. Severe runny nose, wheezing, elevated body temperature, wet and smelly coat, some lying motionless in the pool. [Treatment] Penicillin injection

    2020-11-08 breeding musk rat common disease diagnosis cold
  • Will it still occur after high fever?

    Will it still occur after high fever?

    Will it still occur after high fever?

  • The efficacy and function of Euphorbia angustifolia

    The efficacy and function of Euphorbia angustifolia

    Mingmu: valleys can relieve dry eyes, conjunctivitis, astringent eyes and other uncomfortable symptoms. Clearing lungs and relieving cough: it can moisten the throat and relieve dry and itchy throat, hoarseness and other adverse symptoms. Dispel wind and dissipate heat: it can relieve headache, dizziness, runny nose and other symptoms caused by colds. Regulating qi to quench thirst: it can help people regain their vitality and quench their thirst.

  • Treatment of ammonia poisoning in pigs

    Treatment of ammonia poisoning in pigs

    1. The cause is poisoning caused by accidental ingestion of agricultural fertilizer ammonia water by pigs. two。 Symptoms salivation, runny nose, nasal and oral mucous membrane exfoliation, conjunctival swelling and cyanosis, fear of light and tears, head swelling, such as skin contaminated with ammonia, local burns, severe cough and dyspnea due to ammonia inhalation. 3. Pathological changes such as fibrinous stomatitis, gastroenteritis, tracheitis and bronchitis were examined. 4. Prevention of agricultural fertilizer ammonia should be properly placed. 5. Wash the exterior of the treatment with clean water, and then wet it with 5% rice vinegar.

  • Mung bean and licorice decoction in the treatment of organophosphorus poisoning in pigs

    Mung bean and licorice decoction in the treatment of organophosphorus poisoning in pigs

    (1) etiology. When pig farms and pig farmers use organophosphorus preparations such as trichlorfon or dichlorvos to dispel parasites in and out of pigs, they are inappropriately used, or poisoning is caused by eating vegetables, melons and fruits soon after spraying pesticides and contaminated grass. (2) clinical symptoms. The pigs showed symptoms of poisoning within 30 minutes after eating organophosphorus pesticides. Diseased pigs are characterized by cholinergic nerve excitement, massive salivation, foaming at the mouth, agitation in sick pigs, runny nose and tears, high conjunctival hyperemia and pupil contraction.

  • Prevention and treatment of several common diseases in dogs

    Prevention and treatment of several common diseases in dogs

    At present, dog breeding has formed an upsurge in every household. However, the phenomenon of loss caused by disease is quite common in the process of breeding. In this paper, the symptoms, prevention and treatment of several common diseases in dogs are introduced as follows: (1) the body temperature of dogs with influenza is increased by more than 41 ℃, breathing, pulse, dry nose, dyspnea, runny nose, cough, irregular fur, lying like lying, muscle tremor, loss of appetite. Prevention and treatment: (1) disinfect the dog house with 0.1g-0.4g formaldehyde solution or 0.2% Mel 0.6% caustic soda solution.

  • Summer prevention of rotten tongue disease of cattle and sheep

    Summer prevention of rotten tongue disease of cattle and sheep

    Rotten tongue disease is a viral infectious disease, and its main transmission vectors are Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus. Cattle and sheep are easily infected after being bitten. Clinical symptoms: initial body temperature rises to 42 ℃, lethargy, loss of appetite, not keeping up with the group, runny nose, saliva, upper lip edema, swelling can spread to the whole face and ears, oral mucosa congestion, cyanosis. After fever, the oral cavity, especially lip, cheek, tongue mucosal epithelial erosion, ulcer occurs. Blood exudates from the ulcer surface, secondary infection causes mucosal epithelial necrosis and oral odor.

  • What specific medicine does the treatment of goose aspergillosis have?

    What specific medicine does the treatment of goose aspergillosis have?

    1. On May 22,1998, a goose farmer bought 1000 goslings each and fed them in an outdoor plastic shed to feed the hybrid rice purchased in the grain depot. On June 18 and 19, more than 40 geese in the two flocks developed cough and were treated with oxytetracycline powder, Baiyanqing and other drugs, which did not improve, and spread to more than 100 geese. Serious cases even showed open mouth breathing, a few runny nose, head shaking, and about 30 faces in the flock were swollen. Erythromycin and Livestock and Poultry Chuankang were used again on the 21st.
